Sand Dunes Aplenty, Ability to camp and a constant changing scenery.
Bridport to Bellingham 4wd traverse.
Day 2 of 22
Wow what a spot. This was definitely up there as my top 3 spots in Tassie.
Bellingham is just under 2 hrs from Devonport
Spent 2 nights Solo camped up on the beach here in different locations.
Bridport has a great little town for supplies if you ever wanted to extend your stay.
The dunes on the bridport end are massive and great fun. Did get caught out once looking for a camp, the track on the outskirts got very narrow between bushes (which was actually a quad track) and I was already quite committed in the soft sand where i had to go that extra 20m to an opening and got away with a risky 5 point turn to get back out.
Ive been to Pebbly Beach in NSW. I can tell you its not as pebbly as the section i came across here.
Was great to test out the new setup, ive found, the light weight of this car and the KM3s i need to run about 12PSI max to get them to truely bag out on the sand.
Hopefully that just means they have a heavy sidewall for more durability.